Monday, September 30, 2019

Amy Tan Essay

Although the daughters know some Chinese words and the mothers speak some English, communication often becomes a matter of translation, of words whose intended meaning and accepted meaning are in fact quite separate, leading to subtle misunderstandings. †¢The first mention of this difficulty with translation occurs when Jing-mei relates the story of her mother’s founding of the Joy Luck Club. After attempting to explain the significance of the club’s name, Jing-mei recognizes that the concept is not something that can be translated. She points out that the daughters think their mothers are stupid because of their fractured English, while the mothers are impatient with their daughters who don’t understand the cultural nuances of their language and who do not intend to pass along their Chinese heritage to their own children. Throughout the book, characters bring up one Chinese concept after another, only to accept the frustrating fact that an understanding of Chinese culture is a prerequisite to understanding its meaning. †¢The Power of Storytelling Because the barriers between the Chinese and the American cultures are exacerbated by imperfect translation of language, the mothers use storytelling to circumvent these barriers and communicate with their daughters. The stories they tell are often educational, warning against certain mistakes or giving advice based on past successes. For instance, Ying-ying’s decision to tell Lena about her past is motivated by her desire to warn Lena against the pa ssivity and fatalism that Ying-ying suffered. Storytelling is also employed to communicate messages of love and pride, and to illumine one’s inner self for others. †¢Another use of storytelling concerns historical legacy. By telling their daughters about their family histories, the mothers ensure that their lives are remembered and understood by subsequent generations, so that the characters who acted in the story never die away completely. In telling their stories to their daughters, the mothers try to instill them with respect for their Chinese ancestors and their Chinese pasts. Suyuan hopes that by finding her long-lost daughters and telling them her story, she can assure them of her love, despite her apparent abandonment of them. When Jing-mei sets out to tell her half-sisters Suyuan’s story, she also has this goal in mind, as well as her own goal of letting the twins know who their mother was and what she was like. †¢Storytelling is also used as a way of controlling one’s own fate. In many ways, the original purpose of the Joy Luck Club was to create a place to exchange stories. Faced with pain and hardship, Suyuan decided to take control of the plot of her life. The Joy Luck Club did not simply serve as a distraction; it also enabled transformation—of community, of love and support, of circumstance. Stories work to encourage a certain sense of independence. They are a way of forging one’s own identity and gaining autonomy. Waverly understands this: while Lindo believes that her daughter’s crooked nose means that she is ill-fated, Waverly dismisses this passive interpretation and changes her identity and her fate by reinventing the story that is told about a crooked nose. †¢The Problem of Immigrant Identity At some point in the novel, each of the major characters expresses anxiety over her inability to reconcile her Chinese heritage with her American surroundings. Indeed, this reconciliation is the very aim of Jing-mei’s journey to China. While the daughters in the novel are genetically Chinese (except for Lena, who is half Chinese) and have been raised in mostly Chinese households, they also identify with and feel at home in modern American culture. Waverly, Rose, and Lena all have white boyfriends or husbands, and they regard many of their mothers’ customs and tastes as old-fashioned or even ridiculous. Most of them have spent their childhoods trying to escape their Chinese identities: Lena would walk around the house with her eyes opened as far as possible so as to make them look European. Jing-mei denied during adolescence that she had any internal Chinese aspects, insisting that her Chinese identity was limited only to her external features. Lindo meditates that Waverly would have clapped her hands for joy during her teen years if her mother had told her that she did not look Chinese. As they mature, the daughters begin to sense that their identities are incomplete and become interested in their Chinese heritage. Waverly speaks wishfully about blending in too well in China and becomes angry when Lindo notes that she will be recognized instantly as a tourist. One of Jing-mei’s greatest fears about her trip to China is not that others will recognize her as American, but that she herself will fail to recognize any Chinese elements within herself. †¢Of the four mothers, L indo expresses the most anxiety over her cultural identity. Having been spotted as a tourist during her recent trip to China, she wonders how America has changed her. She has always believed in her ability to shift between her true self and her public self, but she begins to wonder whether her â€Å"true† self is not, in fact, her American one. Even while a young girl in China, Lindo showed that she did not completely agree with Chinese custom. She agonized over how to extricate herself from a miserable marriage without dishonoring her parents’ promise to her husband’s family. While her concern for her parents shows that Lindo did not wish to openly rebel against her tradition, Lindo made a secret promise to herself to remain true to her own desires. This promise shows the value she places on autonomy and personal happiness—two qualities that Lindo associates with American culture. †¢Jing-mei’s experience in China at the end of the book certainly seems to support the possibility of a richly mixed identity rather than an identity of warring opposites. She comes to see that China itself contains American aspects, just as the part of America she grew up in—San Francisco’s Chinatown—containe †¢ Storytelling – Narrative Style, Symbolism, Figurative Language †¢She uses storytelling to in order for the different characters to understand each others struggles as well as the reader to understand the lives and emotions of both the mother and the daughters †¢The stories they tell are often educational, warning against certain mistakes or giving advice based on past successes. For instance, Ying-ying’s decision to tell Lena about her past is motivated by her desire to warn Lena against the passivity and fatalism that Ying-ying suffered. Storytelling is also employed to communicate messages of love and pride, and to illumine one’s inner self for others. †¢Another use of storytelling concerns historical legacy. By telling their daughters about their family histories, the mothers ensure that their lives are remembered and understood by subsequent generations, so that the characters who acted in the story never die away completely. In telling their stories to their daughters, the mothers try to instill them with respect for their Chinese ancestors and their Chinese pasts. Suyuan hopes that by finding her long-lost daughters and telling them her story, she can assure them of her love, despite her apparent abandonment of them. When Jing-mei sets out to tell her half-sisters Suyuan’s story, she also has this goal in mind, as well as her own goal of letting the twins know who their mother was and what she was like. †¢Storytelling is also used as a way of controlling one’s own fate. In many ways, the original purpose of the Joy Luck Club was to create a place to exchange stories. Faced with pain and hardship, Suyuan decided to take control of the plot of her life. The Joy Luck Club did not simply serve as a distraction; it also enabled transformation—of community, of love and support, of circumstance. Stories work to encourage a certain sense of independence. They are a way of forging one’s own identity and gaining autonomy. Waverly understands this: while Lindo believes that her daughter’s crooked nose means that she is ill-fated, Waverly dismisses this passive interpretation and changes her identity and her fate by reinventing the story that is told about a crooked nose. †¢ All the stories in her books are interlocking personal narrative in different voices. The narrators appear as characters in each other’s stories as well as tell their own stories, Tan does not have to fully develop the narrator’s voice in each story. While American daughters like Jing-mei employ personal narrative as a way of telling stories, the ’’ Because this indirect means is the only way Jing-mei’s mother c an interpret and express her experiences, she is shocked into silence when her daughter speaks directly about the daughters she abandoned in China years earlier. Point of View †¢In â€Å"Two Kinds† the perspective moves back and forth between the adult and then child. In this way, Tan tells the story through the child’s innocent view and the adult’s experienced eyes. This allows reader to make judgments of their own, to add their own interpretations of the mother daughter struggle. Figurative Language †¢This literary device also invites readers to think about the way memory itself functions, how we use events in the past to help make sense of our present. Literary critic Ben Xu explains that ‘‘it is not just that we have ‘images,’ ‘pictures,’ and ‘views’ of ourselves in memory, but that we also have ‘stories’ and narratives to tell about the past which both shape and convey our sense of self. Our sense of what has happened to us is entailed not in actual happening but in meaningful happenings, and the meanings of our past experience . . . are constr ucts produced in much the same way that narrative is produced. ’’ †¢In other words memory is a two-way street; it shapes the story as much as the story makes the memory. In Xu’s words, ‘‘memory is not just a narrative, even though it does have to take a narrative form; it is more importantly an experiential relation between the past and the present, projecting a future as well. ’’ Tan’s style is mainly composed of storytelling as a way for her characters to share their history and retell the significant events of their lives. The Chinese mothers find it exceptionally difficult to talk about their lives due to the language barrier; therefore Tan uses a strategy that is borrowed from Chinese folk tradition called talk story (Brent). E. D. Huntley defines talk story as ‘‘a narrative strategy for those characters whose ties to Chinese tradition remain strong. ’’ It allows these characters to ‘‘draw on traditional oral forms to shape their stories and to disguise the urgency and seriousness with which they are attempting to transmit to their daughters the remnants of a culture that is fading even from their own lives. ’’ This means that the mothers, ‘‘who have been socialized into silence for most of their lives,’’ learn to ‘‘reconfigure the events of hese lives into acceptable public utterances: painful experiences are recast in the language of folk tale; cautionary reminders become gnomic phrases; real life takes on the contours of myth (Huntley). † Story telling serves many different functions in the novel. Primarily, the mother’s use storytelling to communicate with their daughters about their past and better relate to their daughters. In Kitchen God’s Wife, Winnie and Pearl have a hard time understanding each other’s situation as they have had a disconnect since Pearl was a teenager. However, after Winnie tells Pearl the stories of the hardships she had to face living with her abusive husband in China and how that has made her the hard person she is today, Pearl is able to connect better with her mother and understand where she is coming from. Another purpose of storytelling is so the mother’s can teach their daughters important life lessons that can help them be happy as many of the daughters are struggling with their marriages. Thus, she knows that the only way to save her daughter is to tell her story, the story of how her submission to fate and other people’s wills led to discontent and even agony. In her novels, Amy Tan allows her characters to employ storytelling as a device for shaping their histories and making coherent sense of the significant events of their lives. For these characters, storytelling is a means of keeping the past alive and building a bridge between it and the present, of transmitting cultural codes and rituals, of subtly educating their daughters, and finally of somehow imprinting the essence of their selves on the next generation. Tan is especially gifted at weaving multiple stories with a variety of narrators into the intricate fabric of each book. Tan herself has recognized her own ability to construct distinctive and memorable narratives, commenting that her storytelling gifts are responsible in large measure for the ongoing popularity-with readers and critics alike-of her work. She has said that her childhood exposure to Bible stories as well as â€Å"tons of fairy tales, both Grimm and Chinese† (Wang) has made stories a significant element in her writing, and she credits her parents with both instilling in her the impulse to tell stories and providing her with models for unforgettable. In an interview with Gretchen Giles, Amy Tan reveals that she learned the craft of story construction from her father, a very busy Baptist minister who managed to spend quality time with his children by reading his sermons to them and then asking for their opinions on content and language. Citations Xu, Ben. ‘‘Memory and the Ethnic Self: Reading Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club,’’ in MELUS, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 3-16. Huntley, E. D. Amy Tan: A Critical Companion, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Brent, Liz. ‘‘Amy Tan Criticism Overview. ’’ Short Stories for Students. Ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. 19–20: 288.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Religion and Grand Zoroastrian Nation Essay

It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world; I thank you in the name of the mother of religions; and I thank you in the name of the millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects. My thanks, also to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honour of bearing to different lands the idea of toleration. I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation, which has sheltered the persecuted, and the refugees of all religion and all nations of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion, which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings: ‘As the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different tendencies various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee’. Quoted from Siva Mahimnah Stotram 7. The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: ‘Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to Me’. Quoted from Geeta 4:11. Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization, and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced  than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honour of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wend ing their way to the same goal.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Managing projects in engineering and construction Lab Report

Managing projects in engineering and construction - Lab Report Example First, before commencing my project, I developed a time schedule to guide me during the project. The activities listed in my time schedule included organizing for meetings with my supervisors and lecturers for training and orientation before commencing the experiment. Besides, I came up with a separate project plan outlining the specific phases and procedures of the actual experiment. In addition, I made a visit to the school laboratory to book a date on which to perform the triaxial tests. An early reservation ensures that all the necessary pieces of equipment for the experiment are available on the experiment day. A tamping rod, a measuring scale, a measuring cup, de-aired water, a spatula and, pair of scissor is the equipment required in the experiment. Additionally, I acquired a small notebook on which I recorded my meetings with the lecturer and supervisors. I also ensured that the supervisors and laboratory technicians signed the notebook. Signed notebooks serve as evidence for the attended meetings. In an attempt to account for the resources I used during the research, I prepared a budget and a time plan for the activities. Budgets and time plans ensure effective and efficient use of resources. Besides, time plans and budgets act as monitoring and evaluation tools, helping me identify failures and making necessary adjustments to the project In any experimental project, there are potential challenges likely to occur. I planned for some difficulties liable to affect my experiment.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nice Wood Developing a Competitive Edge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nice Wood Developing a Competitive Edge - Essay Example The nature of the Nice Wood Product business is that in the lumber industry where operations include picking, cutting and curing wood. Their products are composed predominantly of standard types and different grades of lumber that complies with the following specifications: 2x4s and 2x6s used in framing as well as plywood and particle board. Likewise, current technological breakthroughs have been reported to automate several phases in the firm’s operating cycle, including the picking, cutting, and curing phases. The new technological applications provided opportunities for New Wood to facilitate the processes (including cutting wood in a variety of standards; new types of kilns accelerating the curing process and lading technology was noted to significantly enable the processed wood to be placed in containers) and thereby, potentially increase their chances to be more competitive in the international market. C. Core Competencies The core competencies noted for Nice Wood were t heir â€Å"established client base and strong relationships throughout the industry† (Case facts, n.d., p. 1). Further, it was also disclosed that â€Å"the company is a close-knit operation and senior management values the skills and loyalty of its workers† (Case facts, n.d., p. 1). These facts indicate the Nice Wood Products possess a team of highly skills workers who could have potentially manifested loyalty and a low turnover. Further, their consistent delivery of high quality products has gained strong relationships with loyal clients who are to stay with them amidst the financial and economic challenges. D. Description of Product The product, wood processed lumber, is classified as industrial goods, where these are used to create or make other products. Likewise, these products could be further categorized into the raw materials subcategory. As raw materials, these â€Å"are graded according to quality so that there is some assurance of consistency within each g rade. There is, however, little difference between offerings within a grade. Consequently, sales negotiations focus on price, delivery, and credit terms. This negotiation plus the fact that raw materials are ordinarily sold in large quantities make personal selling the principal marketing approach for these goods† (eNotes, 2012, par. 19). E. Key Milestones The key milestones that Nice Wood

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Financial Planning and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Planning and Control - Essay Example are how the financial planning is applied to an engineering business, the effect of financial information on decision making, and how other the use of other financial techniques such as standard cost and variance analysis are used to optimize the effectiveness of an engineering business. Three questions are answered derived from a textbook written by a scholar that provides information about the topics covered in this paper. Companies dedicated to offering engineering service solution have a business structure in which each individual talent represents a unique vendor that purchases unique solution that are typically independent of each other. Each contract is a peculiar project that must be design to obtain a gross profit that satisfies the income expectations of the stakeholders of the company. In order to better serve the needs of future customer the company has to plan the financial decisions that will allow the firm to expand its productivity capacity. For example the purchases of a new mega server worth $150,000 can provide engineering the opportunity to take more IT project to increase the company’s income. If a manager plans to make such a purchase other factors that have financial implication in the costs of the company must be planned for such as its facility layout and human labor require achieving expansion. When an engineering firm takes on a new job the project manager of the contract must perform financial planning for the project to determine the budget that is needed to be able to complete the project on a timely manner. A full risk management analysis is necessary to reduce the risk of unwanted events from occurring, while at the same time developing mitigation plans to have an action option that can implemented if an unforeseen event occurs. An engineering firm working on a construction project can mitigate risks from natural disasters by making the financial decision of purchasing insurance that covers 100% of the damage causes by such an

Macroeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Macroeconomics - Essay Example nd to alarmingly rise if the inflation rate hits 5 or 6 percent; consequently, when levels climb to double digit levels {as it did in the mid/late 1970s}, there was little surprise that Americans named inflation as the ‘public enemy number one’(Hellerstein). Recently, the U.S. has experienced low and stable rates of inflation {3.4% in 2005 and 3.2% in 2006} (Jensen); this has given rise to speculation among policy makers about achieving zero percent inflation. Yes, I recommend the central bank to aim for zero inflation. The main reason is that zero inflation is best suited to achieve what every international monetary policy strives for – maximum sustainable growth via the price stability conduit. This advice was put forward by Alan Greenspan, who had a distinguished career as Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006 {he was succeeded in August 2006 by present Chairman Ben Bernanke}. Greenspan repeated this advice many times during his 18 year career under 4 U.S. Presidents, namely, â€Å"the fundamental aim of the Fed is maximum sustainable growth over time; the primary role of monetary policy in the pursuit of this goal is to foster price stability.† Economists deduced that Greenspan meant price stability will be achieved when economic growth is increased to the maximum ‘with a stable price level’ {meaning zero inflation}. Greenspan confirmed their deduction during the July 1996 FOMC meeting when he sa id a zero inflation level would no longer alter decision – making. The famous Greenspan principle â€Å"maximum sustainable economic growth is accomplished at zero inflation† was born (Rasche et al.). Price stability should always remain as the explicit key objective for Federal Reserve Monetary Policy. There are several reasons for this. Price stability encourages economic growth; it reduces interest rates, stabilizes financial markets and those economic sectors affected by interest rates; it creates an environment that permits money and the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 44

Marketing - Essay Example A retail client of mine wanted to increase the number of shoppers buying the higher value products in their range, and believed a key issue was its packaging. So, the team made several prototype packs and, over course of a couple of days, tried them in a store. They then simply observed how customers interacted with the different versions, and picked a winner that has subsequently driven double-digit sales growth in that category. Different customers have different tastes, thus, a close monitoring of the customers’ buying and/or consumption trends is vital especially where the commodity comes in different versions or tastes so as to determine which version of the commodity is popular among buyers (Business Intelligence, 2005). This helps establish the stature of the product in the market as a result of increased sales once the customer favorite commodity is identified. Even if you are focused on internal clients, direct experience of your offering can bring home to you what its like to be your customer. Only when youve been standing in a retail stores queue with a screaming baby, or perhaps have tried to use your call centre to ask for support, do you get a realistic view of your customers experience. A good business person should some times be able to step into their customer’s shoes as it helps them have a vivid understanding and have value for their customers. In addition, this enables one to help create products and services that are fair to everyone at any given moment so as to keep attracting more customers. Even  Steve Jobs, who eschews most customer research, set up a prototype store when developing  Apples  retail concept. The insights gained from this helped the team develop innovative in-store services such as The Genius Bar. According to Business Intelligence (2005), the current market is growing rapidly which is in line with prototyping; this will help collect sufficient information rapidly about your

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Virtual autopsy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Virtual autopsy - Research Paper Example Full body radiography also helps in identification of human remains when conventional methods such as fingerprinting or DNA analysis cannot be used, or are not available. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the new development of virtual autopsy in forensic science, and identify its advantages and disadvantages over conventional autopsy procedures that have been employed until recently. Virtual Autopsy with the Help of Multidetector Computed Tomography The application of imaging methods for non-invasive documentation and analysis of relevant forensic findings in living and dead persons has not kept abreast of enormous technical development of imaging methods. Forensic radiology is now a rapidly growing interdisciplinary subspeciality of both forensic medicine and radiology. The new modalities that are now increasingly being promoted for use in forensic investigations include Computer Tomography (CT) including spiral multislice, and Magnetic Reso-nance Imagin g or MRI (Thali et al, 2007). The VIRTOPSY project aims to utilize radiological scanning to upgrade low-tech documentation and autopsy procedures in the contemporary high-tech field of medicine. The purpose of this is to improve scientific value, and to increase significance and quality in the forensic field. The term VIRTOPSY is the combination of the terms virtual and autopsy. The term means to see with one’s own eyes (virtus: useful, efficient and good; autos: self; and opsomei: I will see), as translated from Latin. Thus autopsy means to see with one’s own eyes. Thali et al (2007) aimed to eliminate the subjectivity of â€Å"autos†, hence they combined the two terms virtual an autopsy, deleting â€Å"autos†, and creating VIRTOPSY. Today the project VIRTOPSY groups the research topics under one scientific category, is characterized by a trans-disciplinary research approach that integrates â€Å"Forensic Medicine, Pathology, Radiology, Image-Processing , Physics, and Biomechanics† (Thali et al, 2007, p.100), to an international scientific network. Levy et al (2006) conducted a study to retrospectively assess virtual autopsy performed with multidetector computed tomography (CT) for the forensic evaluation of gunshot wound victims. They found that multidetector CT can aid the prediction of lethal wounds and the location of metallic fragments. Similarly, Ljung, Winskog, Persson et al (2006) devised a procedure for virtual autopsies based on interactive 3D visualizations of large scale, high resolution data from CT-scans of human cadavers. Using examples from forensic medicine, the researchers stated that â€Å"based on the technical demands of the procedure, state-of-the-art volume rendering techniques are applied and refined to enable real-time, full body virtual autopsies involving gigabyte sized data on standard graphics processing units (GPUs)† (Ljung et al, 2006, p.1). The techniques applied include transfer functio n based data reduction using level of detail selection and multiresolution selection techniques. The paper also describes a data management component for large, out-of-core data sets and an extension of the GPU-based raycaster for efficient dual text field (TF) rendering. The authors demonstrated the added value and future potential of virtual autopsies in the medical and forensic fields. Data sets from forensic cases provide detailed benchmarks of the pipeline (Ljung et al, 2006). The Use of Magnetic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Impact of New Technologies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impact of New Technologies - Assignment Example This fact is applicable to art as well and not only in the disciplines. Just like conventional methods of creating art, digital artists require time fulfil their goals and accomplish masterpieces. For instance, Andrew Liszewski reveals how 3-D scanning can upgrade Renaissance cultures. Liszewski describes the entire creation as a â€Å"painstakingly long computer-controlled milling procedure† (Liszewski 2014). The same description is relatively applicable to traditional artworks such as Leonardo da Vinci’s â€Å"Monalisa† and Michelangelo’s painting â€Å"The Creation of Adam,† which took several years to complete. Tangibility has often been a pivotal aspect of art but is no longer a main concern. Digital techniques are a disruptive innovation in the field of art ITN (Source 2007). However, this technology does not disrupt their fineness in comparison with traditional methods of creating art. One can easily compare 3-D scanning and conventional methods of creating art to achieve a critical analysis both formal arts. However, competing both forms of art makes it difficult to justify the digital methods of creating art. Barry X Ball’s final product is helpful because original sculpture lost a number of elements over the years (Museum of Arts and Design 2013). This effort makes the ready scanning artist’s creation and almost necessary endeavor for admirers of the original sculpture. Whether the above artists’ works are used in graphic projects or for commercial reasons is important. When 3-D scanning or digital methods are used to create art, the products are considered applied arts. As a result, proponents of traditional methods of creating art would argue that such applied arts are not at par with traditional works of art. For example, Barry X Ball employs a different style of art with different methods in contrast to the creator of the original sculpture. Ball uses art concepts used

Saturday, September 21, 2019

English-language films Essay Example for Free

English-language films Essay My favorite theme park is Hershey Park, with excitement your heart start racing as soon you make pass the gates wanting to see what is beyond that point. As I walked inside I saw the most spectacular rides that I have properly never seen. Just as you pass the gates you see corn popping, cutting candy being spun, and lemonade gently squeezed to perfection. Your eyes widen with excitement knowing that you finally made it to Hershey Park. just pass the gate the park covers a large area, In the distance you see rides, water parks, and much other activity just waiting for you to jump right in. excitement you run along to reach one of the ride, that you want to get on because of it Fahrenheit, along with the steepest roller coaster you have never seen before. You wait in line with hundreds of people excited and horrified to ride the steppes roller coaster under the blazing sun. Then the time comes when I moved up the line just a second of me getting in the ride, my heart started pounding as I walk inside the ride fated my seat belt waiting to be sent off. Then we were sent off the steep hill and on with the rest of the ride with twist and turns. When it was over I could feel the adrenalin run down my blood want me to go for another ride on the coaster. Then I moved to the next roller coast the storm runner but time the line way shorter it was not dreadful as the last roller coaster. I had to sit I front of many people waiting for the ride to take off, like bolt of lightning we took off as the countdown gets to zero. There are many roller coasters like the bear hanger, in this roller coaster that actually roars like a bear while its moves it has twist and turns that makes you feel like letting everything out you had for lunch. The is the kissing tower were you could spent time with your loved one, the tower goes up in the sky then turns around in the sky, and then back down. After an exciting day you had in the park it’s time to go home. Hershey was fun because I had to go on all the roller coasters, most all had their tasteful candy.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Gender Analysis of Sports Presenters

Gender Analysis of Sports Presenters CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION The mindset of public towards the gender roles in sports Based on the findings in Chapter 4, the mindset of public in Kuala Lumpur towards the gender roles in sports is more open-minded in general. This means that the public in Kuala Lumpur believed that sports are not only males’ roles but it could be belonged to females too. However, there is only Gunther et al.’s (2011) study to support that the mindset of the public towards gender roles in sports is generally open-minded. From the findings, it is shown that the mindset of public disagreed that females are less knowledgeable and less competitive in sports as compare to males. This is supported by the study of Gunther et al. (2011), whereby the results shown that the public do not agree that females are less knowledgeable than males in sports. However, the findings of this study is contrasted by the study by Short (2012), in which it was mentioned that female sports broadcasters were seen as less competent and less knowledgeable in sports which showed contrast with the results of this study. In an interview, Kremer (2011) also mentioned that public often criticized that women do not know about sports, which also contradicted with the findings of this study. Although the mindset of public in Kuala Lumpur is open-minded, they believed males are the dominants and males are stronger in sports. This is supported by the outcome in the study of Centre for Gender Equality in Iceland (2006), which has clearly stated that sports have practically predominated by males or to say the attention is traditionally focused on males. Besides, the public in Kuala Lumpur also agreed that females show less interest in sports as compared to males. It is supported by the statement in Shine’s (2013) article where women are perceived as not interested and do not have the skills in sports. This could be because gender discrimination in sports has not been eliminated, which caused females not reaching a certain status in the public’s eye. In sum, the knowledge and the competency level of females in sports are not criticized in terms of their sex; however, males are still perceived as stronger and the dominants in sports. The reasons of males dominate in sports profession As the public perceived males are the dominants in sports profession, some reasons have been find out in this research. Based on the findings in this research, the reason of males dominates in sports profession is highly because males are biologically stronger than females. This is supported by the study conducted by Paulas (2013) where males are biologically stronger because of the structure of their body which differs from women. The research by Centre for Gender Equality in Iceland (2006) stated that biological nature is part of the consideration for males and females in participating sports. As sports emphasize a lot on physical strengths, females might be physically incompetent to participate in some sports because they are weak in strength. Toro and Sargent (2013) also concluded that males have the muscularity and superiority in sports because they run faster and jump faster than females. Males are overall more superior in sports. The public in Kuala Lumpur think that traditional gender roles are another major reason which leads to domination of males in sports profession. McMahon (2011) had given a statement that the nature of sports is masculine which is hardly related to feminine. Thus, this could be the reason that the public in Kuala Lumpur perceived sports as males’ gender roles. According to the research by Centre for Gender Equality in Iceland (2006), males have traditionally practiced to predominant in sports while females are not. In contrast, the public in Kuala Lumpur showed very slightly disagreed-to-neutral that sports show masculinity is the reason of males dominate in sports profession. According to Wilde’s study in 2007, sports are traditionally associated with males, masculinity and mainly dominated by the males. In the eyes of the public in Kuala Lumpur, sports maybe show masculinity, but that is not really a reason of why males dominate in sports profession. Moreover, the public in Kuala Lumpur does not perceive males as more superior in sports. In other words, both females and males are equal in sports. In the study of Paulas (2013), an argument has been raised up by saying that men are better than women in playing sports, which relates to the inherent biological features. However, females can be as skillful as males do because one’s skillfulness is related to how much instruction has taught to one in playing sports. In Grahame’s (2012) article also mentioned that, the biological differences in males’ body have made them more superior in most of the sports which differs from the opinion of the public in Kuala Lumpur. Besides, the public in Kuala Lumpur disagreed that the reason of males dominating in sports profession is because females are discourage to play sports. It is supported by Swanson (2009) where more females are encouraged to play sports after the enactment of Title IX in 1972 as compared to the past. 2012 Olympic Games, the women athletes have almost equal number as men and the ratio for athletes now is 50:50 male-female ratios (Gee, 2013). As Olympic Games is a worldwide sports, this could mean that females nowadays are encouraged to play sports universally. Furthermore, sports are not mainly designed for males in the view of the public in Kuala Lumpur. However, in the study by Paulas (2013), he found out that sports were designed for men at the first place. Sports such as basketball, football and baseball were created during the era where women were expected to stay in the kitchen and take care of the family. Sports were designed particularly based on males’ strengths and advantages where females can hardly beat males. As for most, the public in Kuala Lumpur do not believe that females are not competent in sports is the reason which caused males dominate in sports profession. Baiocchi-Wagner and Behm-Morawitz (2010) cited in their study that the public might be wrongly accused that females are less competent than males because males are better in playing sports. Also, Short (2012) also mentioned that women were seen as weak and less competent as compare to men which is not proven to be the truth. As nowadays more and more females started to step into sports profession, in which has proven that they are competent to compete with males in sports. Based on the open-ended data provided, the public perceived males are the dominant in sports because it is men’s interest. They are more passionate, enthusiast and willing to contribute their time in playing sports. In contrast, females do not like sports because they do not like to be exposed to the sun and sports are dirty and sweaty for them. In previous studies, it is shown that males show higher interest in participating, watching, and excelling in sports (Deaner et al., 2012). It concludes that males are more motivated to involve sports related activities which lead to the dominance of males in sports. An interesting reason that is concluded in the findings of this research is social and media influence. The preference of the social and media plays an important role in influencing the dominance of males in sports profession. The media coverage is more likely to focus on men’s sports than women’s sports. According to the study by Centre for Gender Equality in Iceland (2006), women’s sports are often treated as less important than men’s sports in media coverage. As a result, the public is able to be exposed to men’s sports more than women’s sports and to see males in sports has become a social expectation. In the study by Deaner et al. (2012) it was stated that sports interest is influenced by the societal gender roles, peers pressure, parents and so on. Thus, males will be more interested in participating sports while females have the social pressure to eschew sports. In the opinion of the public in Kuala Lumpur, education and parents’ influence also could be a reason of why males dominate in sports profession. As in the report by Garner (2012) stated that girls were being put off in Physical Education (PE) lesson because they have negative experience in participating PE such as being labeled as tomboy or unfeminine. Wetton et al. (2013) mentioned that the schools that favored boys’ sports activities have discourage girls’ attendance in participating sports. Other than that, parents do hold an important role in encouraging their children to involve in sports (Quinton, 2013). In the study by Wetton et al. (2013), the family background of the children and stereotypical view of parents do influenced children’s decision to not take part in sports. As the traditional mindset of gender roles in sports, parents might be more supportive for their sons to participate in sports but not for their daughters. Thus, there are more ma les involving themselves in sports than females due to the education and parents’ influence, in which has caused the dominance of males in sports profession. The level of opportunity of females to become sports broadcasters As concluded from the total scores of the level of opportunity for females to become sports broadcasters, the public in Kuala Lumpur believed that females have slightly high opportunity to become sports broadcasters. This has supported by Shine (2013) by saying that some organizations have started to hire talented female sports broadcasters because females can bring aspiring changes in sports broadcasting field. The public in Kuala Lumpur think that the opportunity is now given to females and females should be given equal opportunity to become sports broadcasters as males do. However, in the studies of Gunther et al. (2011) and Short (2012) showed that there are still inequalities in sports broadcasting field and this industry is lagging in creating equal opportunities for both males and females in becoming sports broadcasters. Although both of these studies are carried out in United States and England, but the public in Kuala Lumpur might be influenced by these leading countries. Besides, from the findings, it is shown that the public in Kuala Lumpur agreed that the opportunity for females on becoming sports broadcasters should be based on qualifications and skills rather than physical appearance. However, in the study of Gunther et al. (2011) found out that many stations are hiring attractive women regardless of their qualifications and skills just simply to retain their broadcasting license. The public acceptance of female sports broadcasters Moreover, this study has found out that the level of public acceptance of female sports broadcasters in Kuala Lumpur is high. The public did not particularly favored female or male sports broadcasters because they believed professionalism and knowledge of a sports broadcaster are important than one’s gender. Even for those major sports or male-dominated sports such as basketball and football, they do not think that only male sports broadcasters are good in reporting it. However, it is not supported by Shine (2013), where stated in her research that even though females are knowledgeable in male-dominated sports, the public will perceive females as do not have the skills to cover male-dominated sports. As in the study by Baiocchi-Wagner and Behm-Morawitz (2010) stated that women need to prove themselves twice to the public that they are worth as sports broadcasters. This has reflected that the acceptance of female in sports broadcasting field is very low. Many of the researchers have found out that the acceptance of female sports broadcasters were remaining low which contradict with this study. According to Futterman (2011), it has taken a long time for female sports broadcasters to be only partially accepted by the public. As long as gender discrimination and harassment still occurred, the acceptance of female in sports broadcasting will still low (Ebel, 2012). As time goes by, the difficulties or barriers for females have reduced, but the perception of the public on female sports broadcasters is stubbornly unchanged (Starphoenix, 2008).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ghost Multicasting :: essays research papers

Ghost Multicasting allows one computer, the Ghost Server, to download a Ghost image from the Server and then redirects the image to other workstations, the Ghost Clients, through the use of TCP/IP settings over the network. The main advantage of Ghost Multicasting is that the downloading time is extremely shortened as only one PC is downloading the image off the Server which dramatically reduces the risk of heavy network traffic. The only disadvantage is that the PC chosen to be the Ghost Server has to have enough free hard drive space to store the image which will then be redistributed. The Two Methods Of Ghost Multicasting. Manually Specified Ghost Multicast – Using this method you have to manually assign unique IP addresses for the Client PCs by using and configuring the wattcp.cfg file located on each Clients’ boot disk. Automatically Specified Ghost Multicast – This second method is by using Windows NT to automatically assign IP addresses to the Client PCs by the use of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or DHCP, included in Windows NT ver. 4.00. Manually Specified Ghost Multicasting: Setting Up Ghost Server Disk 1. Prepare a boot disk that includes and loads the necessary network drivers and maps the disk images directory from the network. 2. Copy over the DOS Ghost Server program (dosghsrv.exe) to the same disk and add it to the autoexec.bat file. 3. Copy over the wattcp.cfg file to the disk and change the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway according to network. (A special IP Address should be allocated for the Server PC) Setting Up Client Disks 1. Prepare boot disks in the same order for the server boot disk but copy over ghost.exe instead of dosghsrv.exe. 2. Edit the wattcp.cfg and add in a unique IP Address for each boot disk. (Usually IP Addresses would have been set up earlier for the specific use of identifying ghost client PCs) Ghosting Client PCs 1. Load up the PC which will act as the Ghost Server with the Server Boot Disk and load dosghsrv.exe from the DOS command prompt. 2. Type in a Session Name and select the Image File from the disk images directory on the network. 3. Start up Client PCs with the unique Boot Disks and load ghost.exe. From the Ghost Server, you should see the IP Addresses of the Clients appear in the window as each Client PC loads the Ghost program. 4. Once every Client PCs’ IP Address can be seen in the Ghost Server window, you are able to select them all by clicking on Accept Clients.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Malevolance Of God :: essays research papers

For as long as I can remember, God is said to be a benevolent deity who oversees all the happenings of the world and mercifully forgives all of mankind for their sins. Most Christians, if asked, will say that â€Å"God is good† and more so, he is forgiving. The Puritan notions of hellfire and brimstone, and that God is vengeful have been replaced by sincere benevolence. This new age Christian idealism has its helpfulness in today’s â€Å"misguided† society, but ultimately, as presented thus far in the Bible, is wrong. God’s image in the first five books of the Bible paints a picture of domination and malevolence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As early on as the book of Genesis, God, in almost ever single story, kills and utterly destroys any person or civilization that does not believe in him. The story of Noah’s Flood is a prime example. In Noah‘s Flood story, God’s feeling towards his people are first examined:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And the LORD was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth...So the LORD said, ‘I will   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  bolt out form the Earth the human beings I have created...for I am sorry that I have made them...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have determined to make an end of all flesh...I am going to destroy them along with the earth.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Gen. 6.6-12) The Antediluvians were to God wicked and innately evil, his divine creations were flawed. Although, to God, humanity has been flawed since Eve doomed all humanity by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Exodus there are still several examples of how malevolent God is portrayed. God acts through Moses to bring about the plagues against Egypt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Go to Pharaoh; for I have hardened his order that I may show these sign of mine among   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  them...I have made fools of the that you may know that I am the LORD.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Ex. 10.1-2) To God, in order for the Israelites to truly believe in him, he must show off his powers to nations different to his own. After every plague though, the Pharaoh might have just given up and let the Israelites leave Egypt, but God hardened his heart each and every time to make an example out of him. As a result of God hardening the Pharaoh’s heart, thousands upon thousands of innocent Egyptians had to die due to the plagues brought against Egypt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Further more in Exodus, God says: â€Å"but you shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves, for you shall not worship any other God, for the LORD whose name is jealous, is a jealous God† (Ex 34.

Animal Experimentation and Research Essay -- Ethics Morals Essays Pape

Animal Experimentation and Research In the basement of the psychology department here, a poster hangs on the wall; on it is a picture of two white lab rats and a caption that reads, ?They?ve saved more lives than 911.? This poster hangs on the wall of the room where I performed brain surgery on a rat. Many people would be morally opposed to this and any other form of animal research and experimentation and feel that it should be banned. This heated debate has been going on for centuries with each side possessing strong arguments. A central argument to this debate is whether or not animals are moral patients, with feelings anId the ability to suffer, and if we as humans are entitled to use them as means. Many people feel that we have made great medical advancements that would not have been possible without the use of animals. Alternatively, some feel that despite the medical advancements made, the use of animals remains an unethical practice. I feel that animal experimentation has the capacity to be very benefici al to medical research. However, scientists should try to prevent as much suffering as possible. Likewise, it would be a good idea to prohibit unnecessary testing and experimentation, especially with the recent development of many alternatives. Despite mounting controversy, many people still find animal experimentation to be a moral and correct practice. A widely accepted thought of some philosophers is that animals are not morally equal to us; therefore, we do not have to treat them as such (Fox, 3). Furthermore, according to Michael Allen Fox, author of The Case for Animal Experimentation, ?animals fail to meet the conditions specified for full membership in the moral community and likewise fail to... ...on, this issue will be able to be solved and a general understanding and agreement can arise. Works Cited ï ¿ ½ Birke, Lynda and Michael, Mike. ?Ethics and Animal Rights Extend Beyond UK Law.? Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy Spring: 35-38 ï ¿ ½ Fox, Michael Allen. The Case for Animal Experimentation. Berkley: University of California Press, 1986. ï ¿ ½ Langley, Gill, ed.. Animal Experimentation The Consensus Changes. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1989. ï ¿ ½ Mench, Joy. ?Animal Research Arouses Passion, Sparks.? Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy Spring 1996: 5-15. ï ¿ ½ Rachels, James. The Elements of Moral Philosophy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. ï ¿ ½ ?Rights from Wrongs.? The Environmental Magazine. March/April. 2008: 26-33. ï ¿ ½ Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Total Poor Middle Rich

Discuss with the help of examples the four key levels of measurement. What mathematical operations/statistical techniques are and are not permissible on data from each type of scale? [Meaning of Measurement scales Types of Measurement scales with examples Mathematical operations/statistical techniques] 4. Processing of data involves editing, coding, classifying and tabulating. Explain each of these steps by taking an appropriate example. [Explanation 5. Distinguish between the following: a. Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis b. One tailed and two tailed tests .Type I and Type II error d. One way and two way analysis of variance e. Descriptive and inferential analysis of data [Differences] 6. A. What is Chi-square test of goodness of fit? What precautions are necessary while applying this test? Point out its role in business decision making. B. Two research workers classified some people in income groups on the basis of sampling studies. Their results are as follow: Investigat ors Income groups Total Poor Middle Rich 160 10 200 140 120 300 150 50 Show that the sampling technique of tallest one research worker is defective. [Meaning PrecautionsRole Formula/Solution/Interpretation to the problem] MEMBER-Legal Aspects of Business 1 . Explain the performance of contracts [Definition Offer of performance Onus of performance] 2. Elaborate the rights of surety. [Rights against the creditor Rights against the principal debtor Rights against co-sureties] 3. Discuss the termination of bailsmen. [Explanation] 4. Explain the performance of a contract of sale of goods. Explanation] 5. Discuss the law related to the prohibition of anti-competitive agreements. 6. Explain the need and types of meetings. [Need for meeting Statutory meetingsAnnual General Meetings Extraordinary meetings Class meetings] INFORM – SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 1. Financial markets bring the providers and users in direct contact without any intermediary. Financial markets p ermits the businesses and governments to raise the funds needed by sale of securities. Describe the money market/capital market – features and its composition. [Money market- features and composition Capital market-features and composition] 2. Risk is the likelihood that your investment will either earn money or lose money. Explain the factors that affect risk. Mr.. Rural invests in equity shares of Wiper.Its anticipated returns and associated probabilities are given below: Return -10 5 15 20 probability 0. 05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 25 0. 30 0. 10 0. 05 You are required to calculate the expected ROR and risk in terms of standard deviation. [Explanation of all the 4 factors that affect risk Calculation of expected ROR and risk in terms of standard deviation] 3. Explain the business cycle and leading coincidental & lagging indicators. Analyses the issues in fundamental analysis. [Explanation of business cycle-leading coincidental and lagging indicators Analysis ND explanation of the is sues in fundamental analysis all the four points] 4.Discuss the implications of MME for security analysis and portfolio management. [Implications for active and passive investment Implications for investors and companies] 5. Explain about the interest rate risk and the two components in it. An investor is considering the purchase of a share of EX. Ltd. If his required rate of return is 10%, the year-end expected dividend is RSI. 5 and year-end price is expected to be RSI. 24, Compute the value of the share. [Introduction of interest rate risk Explanation of two components of interest rate risk Calculation of value of the share] 6.Elucidate the risk and returns of foreign investing. Analyses international listing. [Explanation of all the points in risks and returns from foreign investing Introduction of international listing] MAFIOSI – MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS 1 . Give the meaning of advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions. Explain the types of Mergers and Acqui sitions. [Advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions Explanation of types of mergers and acquisitions] 2. Write a note on the five-stage model of mergers and acquisitions. [Explanation on vive stage model of mergers and acquisitions] 3.What do you understand by creating synergy? Give the prerequisites for the creation of synergy. Describe the important forces contributing to mergers and acquisitions. [Introduction of creating synergy Pre requisites for the creation of synergy Important forces contributing to mergers and acquisitions] 4. Demurrer results in the transfer by a company of one or more of its undertakings to another company. Give the meaning of demurrer. What are the characteristics of demurrer? Explain the structure of demurrer with an example. [Introduction of demurrer Characteristics of demurrer Structure of demurrer with example] 5.Explain Employee Stock Ownership Plans (SOP). Write down the rules of SOP and types of SOP. [Introduction of SOP Rules of SO P Types of SOP] 6. Explain the factors in Post-merger Integration. Write down the five rules of Integration Process. [Factors in Post-merger Integration Five rules of Integration Process] MUMMIFY – TAXATION MANAGEMENT 1 . Explain the concept of tax planning and the factors to be considered in tax planning. Give the difference between tax planning and tax evasion. [Concept of tax planning Factors in tax planning Differences between tax planning and tax evasion] 2.Explain the process of tax payment. [Explanation of whole process of tax payment through: Individuals Partnerships Companies] 3. Write short notes on: Capital gain Cost of acquisition Cost of improvement Expenditure on transfer Transfer [Each short note carries 2 marks each-(5*2= 10 marks)] 4. Explain the computations of Tax in two aspects given below: Tax provision for Computation of Total income of firms Computation of partnership firms' book profit. [Steps to be explained for the computation of total income of firm s Steps for amputation of partnership firms] 5.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Ideal Job Essay

Most people learn knowledge because they hope to obtain an ideal job for themselves. For my part, it is also an important reason that I learn knowledge. For my future working environment, I would like to work in marketing sector. Marketing has more to do with identifying customer needs and developing the right products to satisfy those needs, and it reaches are public through advertising. I hope that the company is located in Central Business District, and there are about a great hundred employees in the company. In addition, I think that the private secretary would be my ideal job through long studying and working. As the private secretary, I should help Director of Marketing to handle and answer his business correspondence, keep multifarious files and records of company, especially relating to some files and records of Director of Marketing, and take minutes of the meetings which is attended by him. Certainly, besides the salary, I expect to get some perks. For example, holidays and vacation time, Employee Assistance Program, social functions, subsidized health coverage for spouses, domestic partners, and competitive health care benefit coverage, including medical, dental, vision, life and so on. I need also grasp some professional knowledge about marketing, computer skills, negotiation skills, and experience of study abroad, except my basic knowledge for the job. In conclusion, because I know to speak and act cautiously, and I am very good at paperwork and daily routine, I feel that I might be suitable for the private secretary in the future.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Advice and support

The role of domiciliary, respite and day services that may contribute to end of life care can be resumed such as the respite care service, by; they put their life on â€Å"pause† to provide the care that is required. It's a very important responsibility. The role of funeral directors that may contribute to end of life care is varied. A funeral director has many responsibilities that entail preparing the body for burial, making arrangements for viewing and services and coordinating all aspects of the service.This includes making sure that the individual wishes and key people wishes are carried out including religious customs. 6. 2 The role and value of an advocate in relation to end of life care is to support and enable individuals to express their views and concerns, to access information and services, to defend and promote their rights and responsibilities, and to explore choices and options 6. 3 While using an advocate, individuals at the end of life and their key people can focus more on recuperation or end of life care rather than handling the details surrounding care.Using the services offered by an advocate can reduce individual and key people stress, lessen the chance of treatment and billing errors and help foster a greater sense of cooperation between the individual, key people, medical professionals and health insurance providers. 6. 4 Support for spiritual needs, such as religious beliefs are especially important for an individual at the end of life because during a particular difficult event of life, such as end of life that is a major event of life, the faith of an individual will help to access, with prayers, to give courage and to accept the situation. 5 A range of sources of support to address spiritual needs can be found by having access to spiritual support from your local community faith leaders. For example, if you are a member of the Christian religion, you can access spiritual support by going in your own church and determine the sp iritual needs that cover your faith best.To resume, a range of sources of support to address spiritual needs means to have access to related spiritual support in accords of respect of your own beliefs, religion and culture. 7 7. 1 Line manager or Social worker: Support would best be offered by other members of he team such as, line manager or social worker, when an individual need to organise help with housework, shopping and cooking, or a personal care assistant to help with tasks such as washing and dressing.Religious representatives: Support would best be offered by other members of the team such as, religious representatives, when an individual's religious factors or cultural beliefs may impact on the decision making process of end of life care and so it is important to determine as far as possible whether they practised any particular faith as well as being able to ascertain cultural eliefs.Specialist nurse: Support would best be offered by other members of the team such as, sp ecialist nurse, because a specialist nurse, district nurse or GP can tell to an individual how to access these healthcare professionals and about the specific types of help and support available in the area of the individual. Occupational or other therapist: Support would best be offered by other members of the team such as, occupational or other therapist, because they can visit the individual at nome to assess whether specialist equipment that would help the ndividual to move around and to be able to do as much as possible the individual can do. . 2 Specialist palliative care nurses: Specialist palliative care nurses are experienced in assessing and treating your symptoms and also provide counselling and emotional support for you and your carers. Most specialist palliative care nurses work closely with a wider hospital or community palliative care team, which includes doctors and other healthcare professionals. Specialist palliative care nurses are sometimes referred to as Macmill an nurses. However many Macmillan professionals are nurses ho have specialist knowledge in a particular type of cancer.You may see them when you're at clinic or in hospital. Doctors: Doctors specialising in palliative medicine give expert medical advice on managing people with advanced disease. They work closely with palliative care nurses and may visit people at home if needed. Nurses: Some community palliative care teams have nurses who can visit you at home and provide practical care such as washing, dressing and giving drugs. A specialist palliative care nurse will usually arrange care from these nurses.Physiotherapists: Physiotherapists can help ill people to move around. They can also help with pain relief and if you have breathing problems. Counsellors: Counsellors are trained to help people in all types of situations. Seeing a counsellor can help people to understand and express their feelings, and cope better with their situation. Spiritual care coordinators or chaplains: S piritual care coordinators or chaplains offer spiritual care and support for an individual. 8. 1 To support individual's care through the process of dying in my own role, means I will use the correct techniques; that include; timings; hygiene; use of equipment; safe isposal; and recording information, to offer appropriate support to individuals and key people such as family, friends, carers and others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship when they have been told about the time-scales of the individual's death and the process of their dying.I will treat the individuals with values that adherence to codes of practice or conduct where applicable to my own role and the principles and values that underpin in my work setting, including the rights of children, young people and adults.That include the rights; to be treated as n individual; to be treated equally and not be discriminated against; to be respected; to have privacy; to be treated in a dignified way; to be prote cted from danger and harm; to be supported and cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them; to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language; and to access information about themselves.Preferred method of communication and language can include the individual's preferred spoken language; the use of signs; symbols; pictures; writing; bjects of reference; communication passports; other non-verbal forms of communication; human and technological aids to communication. Also, I have to take into consideration, factors that may affect the health, well-being and development of individuals.Such factors may include adverse circumstances or trauma before or during birth; autistic spectrum conditions; dementia; family circumstances; frailty; harm or abuse; injury; learning disability; medical conditions (chronic or acute); men health; physical disability; physical ill health; poverty; protound or complex eeds; sensory needs; social deprivation; and substance misuse.Caring out my own role, to support an individual's care through the process of dying, request a perfect hygiene and use of the personal protective equipment; such as apron, gloves and mask. Infection control is very important, washing of hands before and after wearing of personal protective equipment according to my workplace policy. For example; after disposed of my apron, gloves and mask in the clinical waste bin, I will washes and dry my hands thoroughly with the full hand washing technique to not contaminate myself or others.Where possible, I will promote active support that encourages individuals to do as much for themselves as possible to maintain their independence and physical ability and encourages people with disabilities to maximise their own potential and independence. I will provide individuals with privacy and facilities to meet their immediate needs and give them time to adjust to the knowledge that they are dying. I wi ll communicate with the individuals using their preferred method of communication and language, in an appropriate manner, and at a level and pace with which they are comfortable.I will support individuals and key people to identify any information they want. I will work with others people within and outside my organisation that are necessary for me to fulfil my Job role, to enable the information requested by individuals and key people to be accessed, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements, and I will complete records in ways that can be understood by all who are authorised to access them.In my own role, to support individual's care through the process of dying, means I will provide appropriate support and time to ndividuals who wish to express their feelings and communicate their concerns and to express their beliefs and preferences about their death, but in the same time, I will avoid pressurising them to talk about their death. Wh ere an individual finds it difficult or impossible to express their own preferences and make decisions about their life, achievement of this standard may require the involvement of advocates or others who are able to represent the views and best interests of the individual.Where there are language differences within the work setting, achievement of this tandard may require the involvement of interpreters or translation services. Some individuals that have their key people, may want to identify the people they wish to be informed about their death, so I will contact calmly and without delay, the identified people so that they can be with the individuals when they die. I will fulfil any wishes expressed by individuals that are within my own role, responsibility and competence.Appropriate action have to be take to inform others people within and outside my organisation of changes to individuals' condition and any expressed ishes and preferences, that means I have to record and report o n actions, procedures and outcomes within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements within my work place. Last, I have to manage appropriately any of my own feelings that have been aroused by the individual's death. 8. Addressing any distress experienced by the individual promptly and in agreed ways through the process of dying, do echo to understand the distress due to end of life care through the process of dying for an individual. End of life care encompasses alliative care, which tocuses on managing pain and other distressing symptoms, providing psychological, social, and spiritual support to individuals, and supporting their key people such as; family members; friends; individual's carers; and others with whom the individual has a supportive relationship.Palliative care can be provided at any stage in the progression of an individual's illness, not only in the last days of an individual's life when the focus of treatment has generally mov ed from trying to actively manage disease and prevent deterioration to managing the ndividual's symptoms and keeping the individuals comfortable. The most difficult and sensitive decisions through the process of dying are often those around starting, or stopping, potentially life prolonging treatments such as cardio pulmonary resuscitation, renal dialysis, clinically assisted for nutrition and hydration, and mechanical ventilation.These treatments have many potential benefits including extending the lives of the individuals who otherwise might die from their underlying condition. But in some circumstances they may only prolong the process of dying or ause to the individual unnecessary distress. The benefits, burdens and risks of these treatments are not always well understood and concerns can arise about over or under treatment, particularly where there is uncertainty about the clinical effect of a treatment on the individual, or about how the benefits and burdens for that individua l are being assessed.Doctors and nurses, with other members of the team, such as; line manager, religious representatives, specialist nurse, occupational or other therapist, social worker, GP, district nurses, nurses who specialise in a specific isease, specialist palliative care nurses, physiotherapists, counsellors, spiritual care coordinators or chaplains, and key people involved in the decision making process may also be unclear about what is legally and ethically permissible, especially in relation to decisions to stop a potentially life prolonging treatment. 8. To adapt support to reflect the individual's changing needs or responses, make think why the individual needs or responses are changing. Individual's changing needs or responses can be cause due to many factors. Be aware of possible signs of dementia in the individuals with whom you work. Dementia is a term used to describe various different brain disorders that have in common a serious loss of brain function that is us ually progressive and eventually severe, in an individual previously unimpaired, beyond what might be expected from normal ageing.That means, when individuals seen confused in their needs or responses, it's can be cause of dementia. In the majority of situations, change might be in relation to; changing environments (example ward to ward, hospital to home, home or hospital to residential care); changing physical and/or mental conditions and functioning; and sudden disability. Adapt support to reflect the individual's changing needs or responses are best meet with an Advance Care Planning.Advance Care Planning is a process of discussion between an individual and the people in their support network. It usually takes place when it is expected that an individual's condition is likely to deteriorate and following serious deterioration, the individual may not be able to make decisions or communicate their wishes. Make decisions or communicate the wishes of the individuals, pass through by many methods of communication, including; the objects of reference; communication passports; other non verbal forms of

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Describe The Factors To Consider Essay

There are a number of factors to consider when promoting effective communication. When using verbal communication with patients it is important to speak looking at them, speaking slowly and clearly and using simple language,. It is important to note that when working with patients with learning disabilities we have made sure they have understood what I have said. When speaking with colleagues or professionals the language I use can be more complex and often I will speak faster however most factors remain the same, it is still important that information given verbally is clear and concise. An example of this is when this is when I have mentored new staff I make sure I talk over everything slowly and clearly and I also get then to repeat some of that information back to show they have understood. Verbally communicating in this way will differ dependant on weather I am talking on a one to one basis or to a group. If I am talking to a group I must remember to address everyone and not exc lude anyone. When using non-verbal communication there are many different factors to consider. For example, if I am slummed back in a chair, it may show that I am not interested in the conversation. Eye contact is also very important as this can show that I am engaged in the conversation, other things to consider would be hand gestures, body language and facial expressions, for example, if I frown or have my arms folded I may give a negative impression. Finally it is important to remember that for effective communication to take place it involves both parties to be engaged. Being able to listen well is vital in a two way conversations.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Two different Neighborhoods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two different Neighborhoods - Essay Example Air Pollution is the existence of chemicals, bio hazard gases (e.g. carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, etc) and other gaseous matter within the earth’s atmosphere. These major cause of air pollution is the emission of chemical, gases, etc into the earth’s atmosphere through various ways e.g. factories emitting dangerous gases into the air, carbon dioxide emission from the motor vehicles which are run on fossil fuel, etc. The emission of gases from motor vehicles releases certain small particles which affect the vascular system of human beings and increases the potential of cardiac diseases amongst them. . A study conducted by Dr. Robert Brook and his colleagues at the University of Michigan highlighted this aspect that the traffic smoke was very dangerous for the cardiovascular system. He analyzed that after the inhalation of these particles, a certain increase in the blood pressure was witnessed, which as a result increased the heart beat those individuals. It has been re ported that tens of thousands of people lose their lives annually owing to air pollution. Air pollution is also judged to be one of the major reasons for Asthma. Recent years have shown a great pattern in which steps are taken to curb the effects of air pollution. Efforts are taken so that those products are used which are environmental friendly e.g.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Do women suffer mental health issues after experiencing an abortion Research Paper

Do women suffer mental health issues after experiencing an abortion - Research Paper Example The way in which an abortion impacts a woman is founded in the external support and the internal ability to cope that she has available. Mental health issues after abortion Introduction The issue of abortion concerns a great number of factors that involve both moral and ethical social considerations. As a medical procedure, abortion is an effective means of terminating a pregnancy with the result of little to no ill physical effects in the long term. However, do women suffer mental health issues after experiencing an abortion? While both sides of the issue have research that has validity in regard to the effects of an abortion on mental health, from a psychosocial point of view the answer of the potential for mental health being affected by the event of an abortion is clearly possible. Yes, women may suffer from an impact on their mental health from the experience of having an abortion. The effect on having done the procedure on a woman’s psychological health may create proble ms as her emotional state, where it concerns her reproductive health, can be affected. In addition, guilt and shame may impact her psychological profile over the long term. An abortion also has the potential of complicating an existing mental health issue through emotions that come in conflict with the manifestations of the disease. While there are some studies that show that there are little to no psychological issues after an abortion, it is more likely that such a socially controversial decision which is accompanied with enormous levels of guilt and shame will have long-term psychological ramifications on the mental health of a woman who undergoes the procedure. Reproductive emotions Miller and Green (2002) conducted a meta-analysis of 24 studies which concerned the mental health of women after they had gone through an abortion. In an inquiry that asked the question of ill effects in mental health after an abortion, their conclusion was that, â€Å"the simple answer to this ques tion in the vast majority of cases is no† (p. 313). They furthered their broad based, simplified answers on this subject by suggesting that most women felt better after their procedure than they did while they were still pregnant. Posavac and Miller (1990) found that levels of well-being had little measurable difference between women who have had an abortion and women who have not had an abortion. Mental health differences were observed to be less than one tenth of a difference. Because of the criteria and methodologies of these studies, the conclusions found little to no difference in the mental health and well-being of women who took their pregnancies to term in comparison to those who had abortions. One of the issues in measuring post-abortion emotions is that the disruption that pregnancy causes within a woman is so extreme that differences between those who have had an abortion and those who have not had an abortion are difficult to measure. According to Hewson (2001), â €Å"Attitudes to pregnancy are, however, inextricably bound up with how society views sex, women, and the fertile woman in particular. Pregnancy and birth are not minor

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Training and Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Training and Development - Assignment Example To motivate companies to evaluate training programs, management personnel who are in charge of training and development must emphasize that an evaluation would provide management with the crucial information that defines the success or failure of training programs, depending on the goals that were stipulated. The evaluation of training programs would assist in generating data that would confirm the strengths, as well as effectiveness of training and development programs; and if there are evident weaknesses that need to be addressed. Thus, companies would be motivated to evaluate training programs through the provision of accurate information that relates the direct impact of these programs on the overall improvement of the organization in terms of performance, job satisfaction and financial success. 2. What are result outcomes? Why do you think that most organizations don't use results outcomes for evaluating their training programs? According to Zoe (2010), result outcomes are resul ts of training evaluations which are â€Å"used to determine the training program's payoff for the company† (p. 225). Examples of the results outcome apparently included standards of performance such as productivity, quality, costs, repeat customers, customer satisfaction, and even information on work-related accidents (Zoe, 2010, p. 222).

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Credit card frauds Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Credit card frauds - Literature review Example Gomez (2008) observes in this regard that a rich businessman of United States Frank X. McNamara helped to enhance the concept of credit in regards to making purchases of consumer products and other utilities. McNamara worked to bring about the Diners Club cards which helped many people to avail meals on credit (Gomez, 2008, p.461). Definition and Type of Credit Cards Credit cards emerge as a better substitution for cash through which the consumers can go for purchasing different categories of commodities. Sander (2003) observes in this respect that credit card companies relate different types of products and services with the credit cards. However these companies are largely complained for charging high amount of interests and large amount of fees from the customers. Further, Sander (2003) observes that there are essentially three main different types of credit cards viz. ... In this regard, Bailyn (2007) states that use of credit cards helps in generation of protection to the consumers in regards to purchase of commodities. The consumers can easily return such purchases if availed through credit cards rather than cash. Again the use of credit cards also helps the financial organisations to gain easy access to potential information pertaining to the credit position of the individuals before rendering credit cards (Bailyn, 2007, p.30). Definition and History of Credit Card Frauds Fraud activities have earned a new dimension through the manipulative measures taken with the help of credit cards. Joshi (2006) states in this respect that fraudulent activities concerning misappropriation of financial resources through the use of credit cards constructs the basic premises of credit card fraud. Unauthorized access to accounts through the use of credit card or activities to gain possession of large number of goods and services through adulterated use of credit car ds are examples of credit card fraud (Joshi, 2006, p.40). Enhancement of fraudulent activities pertaining to credit card came into emergence with the development of internet. Montague (2004) observes in this respect that after the period of 1990s the development of internet technology has helped in the progress of electronic commerce. The use of credit cards to conduct such transactions online has led to the growth of hackers to retrieve potential information relating to such cards (Montague, 2004, p.43). Types of Credit Card Frauds With the growth of sophistication in consumerism the use of credit cards has gained huge momentum. Consumers around the world are found to increasingly gain hold of large number of consumer products through the extensive use of plastic

Monday, September 9, 2019

World of Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

World of Work - Essay Example According to Ashenfelter (1999), computer technology has resulted to change in relative demand for skills. Change in workplace caused by introduction of computer has required individual workers to enhance their skills. However, the change has made work to be much easier and enjoyable than it used to be before. This has actually made individual workers to be more efficient on their roles thus becoming more productive. Currently, an employee who used to type one page using the typewriter can write ten pages using a computer in a much easier and enjoyable manner. The change in workplace resulting from introduction of computers has also resulted to great impact to the society. Through internet technology, computers enhance searching of record as well as the displaying of results (CSA, 2010). This has reduced the level of fatigue for individual workers. As a result, their interaction during work and after work has been greatly enhanced. Moreover, the technology has improved communication between individuals. This has greatly enhanced the relationships of individuals in the society thus resulting to societal

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The future of natural medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

The future of natural medicine - Essay Example The future of heÐ °lth cÐ °re Ð °nd medicine cÐ °n not be predicted, but it will certÐ °inly be developing into Ð °n InformÐ °tion Ð °ge, evolving in itself. PÐ °rticulÐ °rly, the medicÐ °l services will be delivered through the Internet Ð °nd other innovÐ °tive meÐ °ns of communicÐ °tion providing quÐ °lity Ð °nd cÐ °re whenever Ð °nd wherever needed. In the following pÐ °per I will discuss the future of nÐ °turÐ °l medicine emphÐ °sis on e-medicÐ °l services. I will Ð °lso tÐ °lk Ð °bout conventionÐ °l medicine Ð °nd its plÐ °ce in the future of heÐ °lth cÐ °re. E-medicine refers to the use of telecommunicÐ °tion thÐ °t provides medicÐ °l informÐ °tion Ð °nd services. It mÐ °y be Ð °s simple Ð °s two heÐ °lth professionÐ °ls discussing Ð ° cÐ °se over the telephone, or Ð °s sophisticÐ °ted Ð °s using sÐ °tellite technology to broÐ °dcÐ °st Ð ° consultÐ °tion between providers Ð °t two distÐ °nt locÐ °tions, using videoconferencing equipment.† (Gustke et Ð °l., 20000) The simplest definition of E-Medicine is thÐ °t it uses multimediÐ ° technology (voice, video Ð °nd dÐ °tÐ °) to deliver medicÐ °l services. The lower cost of bÐ °nd- width Ð °nd improvement in video Ð °nd dÐ °tÐ ° compression stÐ °ndÐ °rds hÐ °ve increÐ °sed the number Ð °nd types of medicÐ °l services thÐ °t cÐ °n be delivered from Ð ° distÐ °nce to include virtuÐ °lly every speciÐ °lty. E-Medicine is Ð °n Ð °pplicÐ °tion Ð °nd not Ð ° technology. It uses Ð ° hybrid technology incorporÐ °ting elements of television, telecommunicÐ °tion, computers, engineering Ð °nd medicine. Services cÐ °n be delivered on Ð ° combinÐ °tion of technologies with Ð ° vÐ °riety of equipment. The objective of E-medicine â€Å"is not Ð °n evolutionÐ °ry concept but Ð ° revolutionÐ °ry concept Ð °nd Ð °t the heÐ °rt of every revolution, there is the need for Ð ° sudden mÐ °ssive chÐ °nge, Ð °t the core of which is the humÐ °n mind.† (Merrell, 2004). E-medicine in the future will bring mÐ °ny benefits to

Ineffectiveness of GPS Monitoring System for Sex Offenders Research Paper - 1

Ineffectiveness of GPS Monitoring System for Sex Offenders - Research Paper Example Despite the optimistic effects of technology in the society by improvising the GPS devices, understanding the restrictions of this technology remains essential in maintaining the safety of the society. A case is depicted of a sex offender who cut off his GPS monitoring device and eluded authorities. Although the device still warned the police to keep an eye on the sex offender, the device remained incompetent since the sex offender was able to roam around and carry out his inhuman acts again. Using a GPS requires the free flow of information to those responsible for making sure that the task is accurately carried out. Therefore, using the GPS to monitor or track a sex offender does not entirely depend on the technology but responsibility of those using the device in order to ensure its effectiveness. GPS monitoring device only acts as a part of the solution to sex offenders. They only track where the individual goes, but in essence, do not deprive him the ability to find their next target. John Albert Gardener depicts a sex offender who had a GPS device to monitor his tracks and make sure that he never went near any young woman. However, still having the device, Gardener was able to rape and murder two helpless teenagers back in 2009. It is evident that the paroled felon was not at any chance under careful supervision as officials thought. It can be depicted that these two victims could be alive if only the devices were effectively used. As a dangerous sex offender, John Albert Gardener still roams in the streets.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Different Degree Levels in Nursing Essay Example for Free

Different Degree Levels in Nursing Essay Nursing is a wonderful, rewarding profession to enter, and it must be chosen for all the right reasons. Today many nurses are faced with a difficult decision to return to college. For those of us who wish to continue to advance our nursing career; we continue to need the educational assistance that is necessary to advance our nursing skills. With nursing there are so many paths one can obtain after achieving your RN. You just need to choose what path is right for you. Basically there are two of the most common degrees to choose from the Associate’s Degree of Nursing (ADN) or Bachelors Degree of Nursing (BSN). Many do not realize the difference between the two. However there are many differences, but both nurses subscribe to the same nursing philosophies. With that being said, the ADN is about a two-year program while the BSN is a four year college or university. Another differences between ADN and BSN, is the ADN is 72 credits and the BSN is 125 credits. Today many nurses are faced with a tough and difficult decision. They are asking themselves what is the right choice for me? Why should I return to school? What are the benefits going to be for me after completing my degree? Truly, when it comes down to it only the nurse can decide and make the necessary decision. The associate degree level of nursing was developed out of a need to produce nurses in response to a shortage during and following World War II (http://nursing. adelphi. edu/about/history. php,n. dHYPERLINK http://nursing. adelphi. edu/about/history. php,n. d. . ). In return many students who choose nursing were leaving only after a few years, thus creating a shortage. The ADN of nursing typically focuses on clinical competencies, fundamentals and technical skill needed to care for the patients. Also, the ADN degree promotes more task-oriented nurses, basic theory and the judgment to function at the entry level. They must also demonstrate the skills necessary in life-saving practice. It generally takes about two years at a community college and the cost for this degree is more manageable. Once the nurse proves their competencies by passing the NCLEX-RN they can obtain a state license. The benefit of having ADN is that the degree itself is a much shorter timeframe and a much less expensive to complete to become a registered nurse. â€Å"In 1965, the American Nurses Association (ANA) designated the baccalaureate degree as the educational entry point into professional nursing practice† (Friberg, page 3). The Bachelor of Science (BSN) in nursing typically takes a person four years to complete at a state college or university. The expense of a four-year degree is costly for some who are trying to be sparing with their college education. The BSN requires the ability to think logically and critically in patient care settings. The curriculum places emphasis on leadership and management in the nursing setting. Also it broadens the knowledge of patho-physiology of diseases, deals more with public issues and refines to a deeper assessment of nursing skills. One of the many benefits of having a BSN allows one to gain more experience and more responsibility. Also, allowing one to further their education in nursing by obtaining a master’s degree, nurse anesthetist, and nurse practitioner. The BSN also allows for a salary increase. It is unreasonable to think that this situation is going away anytime soon. With that being said, looking into the future today most hospitals are trying to achieve Magnet status. â€Å" The nation’s Magnet hospitals, which are recognized for nursing excellence and superior patient outcomes, have moved to require all nurse managers and nurse leaders to hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing by 2013†(Rossester 2012b). One thought to this is to have nurses obtain the most knowledge possible, and the know how to think in critical situations when they arise. One of my patient care situations that I can recall is when I was working on the telemetry floor in our local hospital. I was with a few other nurses, having their associate degree and two with their bachelor degree. Let’s call the ADN nurse A and the BSN nurse B. So, we were all around the nurse’s station waiting to give report to the next shift and one of the nursing assistants came running down the hall saying, one of the patients in room say 420 is not responding when I try to call her name. Nurse A and Nurse B both went into the room and the patient had no pulse and wasn’t breathing. Nurse B immediately started CPR and took charge in calling a Code. The code team arrived at this time. Nurse B asked if Nurse A could take the patient’s blood sugar and hang some fluids and get the patient on the monitor. Nurse A was also well in keeping the family and the people in the hallway calm and relaxed. The patient in the end was transferred to the ICU where they can better care for the patient in this critical situation and the physician was notified. Nurse B was more knowledgeable and had the necessary leadership skills along with the advanced critical thinking skills that this situation required. Nurse A was competent and did what was expected of the skills she had. In conclusion, I believe that having your ADN degrees is a quick way to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to enter into practice and the cost is less. The BSN allows one to prepare for management and leadership decisions. Also allowing for more critical skills and providing better career opportunities along with higher pay. As I reflect back on my education and skills and the future I recommend all nurses should receive their BSN. References http://nursing. adelphi. edu/about/history. php. (n. d. ) Friberg, Creasia (2011). Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice [5] (VitalSource Bookshelf), Retrieved August 14, 2012, from http://pageburstsls. elesevier. com/books/978-0-323-06869-7/id/B9780323068697100029_f0010. Rosseter, R. (2012b, April 2). Fact Sheet: Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Retrieved August 14, 2012, from www. aacn. nche. edu/edia-relations/Nursing Workforce. pdf.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Surgical quality improvement Essay Example for Free

Surgical quality improvement Essay Through a review of blood utilization in the surgical units, the administrative manager of clinical operations for a large hospital noted what she believed to be a significant variation in the number of transfusion orders being placed per surgical case among the surgeons on staff. She brought the question to the surgical quality improvement committee, and the committee initiated a review of current standard practice for ordering transfusions within the surgical units of the hospital and also a review of best practices as supported by current research evidence. They discovered that the evidence from transfusion research revealed that transfusion therapy can result in a variety of adverse patient outcomes, including the transmission of infection diseases and allergic reactions. As a result, the hospital medical staff moved to adopt as its general â€Å"best practice† for transfusion ordering: a minimum hemoglobin concentration of 7g/dL (21% hematocrit) as an indication for red cell transfusions and a 10g/dL hemoglobin concentration (30% hematocrit) as a level at which transfusion therapy usually is unnecessary. After the approved â€Å"best practice† guideline was introduced to the medical staff, a blood utilization dashboard was developed that helps responsible clinical managers identify at the physician level when transfusion orders are placed contrary to the guideline. Having this information available enables the clinical manager to address the issue on a unit or with the individual physician involved. Use of this dashboard has resulted in significant reduction in the variation in transfusion ordering practices among the medical staff and a significant reduction in blood utilization, which equates to a significant reduction in costs of maintaining the blood supply, and an improvement in patient outcomes. Questions: 1. What data elements must be accessed from the clinical data repository to drive the blood utilization dashboard? Explain. 2. What clinical data systems might this data come from? Explain. Support your answers from the text, supplemental readings, and any other applicable resources. APA Page Setup: Pages should be set with 1-inch margins. Font should be 12-point Times New Roman. Lines should be doubled-spaced throughout the document, without extra spaces at the top or bottom of the page or between paragraphs or sections. A complete document includes a title page, an abstract (if the instructor requires it), the body of the paper, a reference list, and appendices (if indicated). The paper should be 1 to 2 pages in length, not including cover page. Latour, K. M., Maki, S. E., Oachs, P. A. (2013). Health information management: Concepts, principles, and practice (4th ed.). Chicago: AHIMA Press.